The School of Modern Soul Science presents

The Alchemy of Modern Shamanic Initiation

An epic 4-part webinar series
freely offered to the public

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Part 1 of 4

Healing and Harnessing the Crisis of the Modern Shamanic Call

Understand how and why shamanism is a universal impulse that arises in all cultures throughout all periods history (and why it can never be effectively suppressed).

Understand the unique way in which the shamanic archetype is emerging in Western civilization right now as a redemptive healing response to the complex crisis we are facing.

Learn what actually happens inside of you when a shamanic calling arrives, and how you can proactively engage in the process in order to emerge from the ordeal as an initiated "shamanic individual".

Learn the "science" of how to harness shamanic crisis and enter into powerful alignment with your higher purpose at this time.

Learn how to avoid the sorcerous traps and diabolical snags that assault (and target) those undergoing a shamanic, spiritual awakening in 2022.

Cultivate discernment about the "Science of Initiation", and how it can be either used for good or evil. Learn to recognize and defend yourself from the evil uses of this shamanic "Science of Initiation".

Establish the foundation for the true and good uses of this Science of Initiation, as it has been passed down to us by the shamans and great initiates of unbroken lineages of initiatory wisdom.

Explore the 3 archetypal stages of any shamanic initiation, regardless of the tradition.

Discover the 4 essential labors that every modern Western shamanic individual must work to accomplish today in 21st century Western civilization.

Cultivate a practical strategy to effectively navigate the 3 stages of the initiatory process and to accomplish the 4 essential labors of Western shamanic individuals in the 21st century.

***You will not be able to pause the webinar***
so please treat this like you are going to see a movie in the theatre. Prepare yourself to receive an intense burst of knowledge in a single sitting.

First half: 1h 52m
Second half: 1h 51m
Entire runtime: 3h 37m

First half: 1h 52m
Second half: 1h 51m
Entire runtime: 3h 37m
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Part 2 of 4

The Science of Shamanic Shadow Work 

There is a lot of talk about “shadow work” out there. But what is it, actually?

And how do you actually “DO” this so-called shadow work anyway?

In this webinar, you will learn what “shamanic shadow work” is, why it’s so important to do, what happens when you don’t do it, and most importantly…

…you’ll learn the secret to doing it effectively.

And actually, I’ll tell you the secret right here:

The secret is to form a shamanic alliance with the “Guiding Spirit” of shadow work; to learn how to recognize this evasive, mercurial spirit, to understand the subtle way this trickster spirit guides shadow work; to understand how to work with this spirit effectively to accomplish deeper levels of shamanic initiation and alchemical transmutation of your soul.

If you learn how to work with this Guiding Spirit, you can carry out the most profound shamanic healing and alchemical transmutation on your soul: You can unify fragmentations, illuminate darkness and personal trauma, transmute and redeem ancestral trauma, unlock vast latent power and inspiration in your unconscious psyche, bridge spirituality and sexuality, harmonize interpersonal and romantic relationships, gain the deepest levels of genuine self-knowledge, become aware of your blind-spots and inner saboteur, transform blocked pathways into open pathways, gain profound protection against malevolent spiritual influences, and unlock the secrets of effective alchemical magic and shamanic soul retrieval.

In this webinar, you will learn all about this “Guiding Spirit of Shamanic Shadow Work” – which will empower you to really engage in this difficult work effectively, safely, wisely, and fruitfully, leading to greater integrity, inspiration, personal power, self-knowledge, spiritual protection, and open pathways on your spiritual path.

You will also learn about the mysterious connection between “Shamanism” and “Alchemy”…

…learning how to approach modern shamanism in an alchemical way, and how to approach modern alchemy in a shamanic way.

Most importantly, you will learn how you can actually DO this “shamanic shadow work”.

Because as interesting as this subject matter may be, it won’t do you much good to learn all about this process unless you actually roll up your sleeves and do the work!

***You will not be able to pause the webinar***
so please treat this like you are going to see a movie in the theatre. Prepare yourself to receive an intense burst of knowledge in a single sitting.

First half: 2h 17m
Second half: 2h 18m
Entire runtime: 4h 32m

First half: 2h 17m
Second half: 2h 18m
Entire runtime: 4h 32m
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Bonus webinar:

The Anatomy and Consequences of a
"Shadow Work Bypass"

(and how to avoid it)

Runtime: 2h 57m
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Part 3 of 4

Retrieving and Restoring Western Civilization's Ancestral Shamanic Lineage

The significance of this webinar cannot be overstated. Here, we discover and recover our very own "Western shamanic lineage". And we go further. We retrieve it from the underworld and begin the work of illuminating and redeeming it.

This webinar is an epic "historical soul-retrieval" performed upon Western civilization's own traumatized and fragmented and corrupted shamanic tradition.

It lays out the map and establishes the first steps to healing the central trauma in the folk-soul of Western civilization, which has led to the nightmarish situation we find ourselves in today.

We, as Westerners, don't appear to have any "Western Shamanic Elders." And yet, for those with eyes to see, it appears that Western civilization has been invaded by a secret league of black magicians, evil shamans. How did we get to this point? And more importantly, who can we trust to provide the guidance we need at this time?

This webinar dives right into the source of this predicament, and takes the first step to rectifying it. This is an ancestral shamanic soul retrieval.

You will come to understand key points in history when the Western shamanic impulse was hijacked, corrupted by black magic, and/or heavily persecuted, traumatized, and transformed into a negative and perverse version of itself.

You will gain a clear and comprehensive map of the evolution of the shamanic impulse throughout Western civilization, so you can begin the important work of healing and rectifying your own ancestral lineage, and the Western shamanic lineage in general.

You will experience an epiphany about your own ancestral lineage, what needs to be healed, and how to go about accomplishing that.

You will have a chance to forge a new and redemptive connection to the shamanic wisdom of Western civilization, and receive a key to unlock the illuminated Divine Science from our (hidden) unbroken chain of shamanic elders.

And you will have a hope to discover the Western shamanic elders!

This is a heartfelt invitation for you to work directly on the source of the problem, and participate in healing and redeeming the Western lineage, and creating a new 21st century link in the Golden Chain.

***You will not be able to pause the webinar***
so please treat this like you are going to see a movie in the theatre. Prepare yourself to receive an intense burst of knowledge in a single sitting.

First half: 1h 59m
Second half: 2h 58m
Entire runtime: 4h 55m

First half: 1h 59m
Second half: 2h 58m
Entire runtime: 4h 55m
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Part 4 of 4

Discovering and Manifesting Your Shamanic Soul Signature

After 3 epic webinars of theory, let's end the journey by getting really practical!

It's time to sit down and actually do the alchemy we've been talking about in this series. This is a crash-course in 21st century "shamanic alchemy".

Discover the anatomy of the most important archetype of the collective unconscious - the archetype that can truly help humanity at this critical juncture: The shamanic archetype.

Learn how to harness the primordial power of the shamanic archetype within yourself... without getting burned, without getting swallowed, without seriously damaging your soul and your spiritual development (effectively navigating the realm of shamanic shadow work).

Explore a powerful 9-step process that guides you to "individuate" the shamanic archetype in yourself - to rise to meet its emergence, putting your individual stamp on it - so you can effectively harness and manifest the fire in service of your higher purpose on earth at this time.

Learn the method of discovering your unique "Shamanic Soul Signature" - the particular way in which the shamanic archetype is attempting to express and manifest through your individuality.

Understand the principles of modern shamanic alchemy; the science of transmuting your higher bodies.

Learn to how you can create magical creative tools (shamanic mandalas, sigils, soul maps of your toroidal field) for healing, self-empowerment, self-transmutation, and self-actualization.

Learn about the cutting edge of shamanic alchemy in the 21st century.

***You will not be able to pause the webinar***
so please treat this like you are going to see a movie in the theatre. Prepare yourself to receive an intense burst of knowledge in a single sitting.

First half: 1h 21m
Second half: 2h 15m
Entire runtime: 3h 30m

First half: 1h 21m
Second half: 2h 15m
Entire runtime: 3h 30m
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